woensdag, maart 31, 2010

Scriptie: Links en PDF

Websites and miscellaneous links to online content:

For any questions/demands regarding copyright of the images, contact me at: djama85 [@] gmail.com or call the dutch mobile number +316 - 19926887. The PDF file of this essay is uploaded on a free fileshare website. You can download it without having to register for an account and you don't have to pay any fee. If there are any issues when you are trying to download the PDF file, just email me and i'll help you through the process.

Link to PDF file on Megaupload site:
COMING SOON - manually converting the indesign book layout to read friendly version


- The Great Frieze, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Villa_dei_Misteri_II_-_1.jpg

– Villa Livia, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Rom-Villa-Livia.jpg .

– Chambre du Cerf, http://www.wga.hu/art/m/master/xunk_it/xunk_it2/08scene1.jpg en http://www.wga.hu/art/m/master/xunk_it/xunk_it2/08scene3.jpg .

– Sala delle Prospettive, http://www.wga.hu/art/p/peruzzi/farnesi3.jpg .

- Robert Mitchell - Cross Section Rotuda, http://www.english.wisc.edu/tkelley/NASSR/images/6Panorama.jpg

- IBM PC model 5150, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Ibm_pc_5150.jpg

- The Legible City - Jeffrey Shaw, http://www.mediaarthistory.org/Images/Big/legiblecity.jpg

- Osmose - Char Davies, http://www.immersence.com/osmose/images/Osm_Tree_Pond_400.jpg

- Silencer - Michiel van der Zanden, http://www.michielvanderzanden.nl/images/2007_21.jpg

Video fragment:

– Tron, de omzetting van mens naar een digitale computer programma, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UYNgUmu35o .

- Andreas Broeckmann, introductie tekst voor de tentoonstelling ‘Deep Screen’ http://www.virose.pt/vector/b_20/andreas.html

- Ben Laposky, Een expositie boekje uit 1953 http://www.vasulka.org/archive/Artists3/Laposky,BenF/ElectronicAbstractions.pdf

- Char Davies, http://www.immersence.com/ ; Virtual Space artikel in het boek ‘Space: In Science, Art and Society’ http://www.immersence.com/publications/char/2004-CD-Space.html

- Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/a-volve/video/1/ voor een Engelstalige presentatie van ‘A-Volve’

- Eelco Brand, http://www.eelcobrand.nl/

- Jeffrey Shaw, Works - ‘The Legible City’, http://www.jeffrey-shaw.net/

- JODI, http://jodi.org/ voor een willekeurig internet kunstwerk van hun; de reeks ‘Untitled Game’: http://www.untitled-game.org/ ; Wikipedia artikel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jodi_%28art_collective%29 ; Interview met JODI http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9708/msg00112.html

- Maurice Benayoun, Works - World Skin, http://www.benayoun.com/projet.php?id=16 en http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWfnXTMzWoQ

- Michiel van der Zanden, http://www.michielvanderzanden.nl/

- Robbie Cornelissen, http://www.robbiecornelissen.nl/ ; Youtube link Labyrinth Runner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Jj1kh1mek

- Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Profile, http://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yoichiro/profile/profie.html ; op Youtube een korte docu over Yoichiro Kawaguchi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJH0fLTR7YU (283 Useful Ideas from Japan - 1990 - The Techno Deep - Part 1 of 2).


– ACM SIGGRAPH, http://www.siggraph.org/

– Ars Electronica – Geschiedenis en informatie over organisatie, http://www.aec.at/about_about_en.php

– Blender, http://www.blender.org/ en geschiedenis http://www.blender.org/blenderorg/blender-foundation/history/

– IMAP – Independent Media Arts Preservation, http://www.imappreserve.org/

- KW_14, http://www.kw14.nl/

– Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Montevideo/Time Based Arts [Algemeen] [Geschiedenis], http://www.nimk.nl/

– PACKED, http://packed.be/ de sectie Handboek bevat de online versie van de IMAP Preserveringshandboek.

– Pixar – Company Info - History, http://www.pixar.com/companyinfo/history/index.html

– V2_Institute for the Unstable Media, http://www.v2.nl en link naar een oude website van V2_ uit 2003 voor de manifest http://framework.v2.nl/archive/archive/node/text/start.xslt/nodenr-124560

– ZKM – Zentrum Für Kunst und Medientechnologie, http://www.zkm.de/ bovenaan de pagina staat een link voor een Engelse versie van de site.

zaterdag, september 26, 2009

BK3 Period 4 - End of Year recap

Well, the last presentation with all the teachers kinda clarified how my 3rd year at AKV/St. Joost progressed.

-tried to paint, i was satisfied with my last painting, but compared to drawing it requires a whole different approach... it is just not working for me.

-made a first step in animation, the animation was about the only main artwork i showed at the presentation at the end of period 4, the other was a minor work and the Land Art project... the animation shows how i have been working the 3rd year: by not sticking to my initial idea/concept for a work, i have been distracted with many influences and put them all, alongside the initial idea, in 1 work. Making the image far too complex and not clear for the viewer to understand at all.

-i did acquire experience outside the academy by working as a volunteer at art initiative W139 in amsterdam and reading books (magical-realism and also a book containing dialogs between an artist/gamer/bioloog(biologist?) and an art philosopher who discuss all sorts of topics regarding art, media, games and philosophy)

In the next post, BK4 Period 1, i will elaborate how i take on year 4.

Animation at end of period 4, was fun to make but in the end just a hodge podge of ideas and fascinations:

BK3 Period 4 - DB Skyline

Den Bosch skyline slideshow:
i took this sweep of photos right before they started to change that entire area, they already cut down most of the trees on the dijk/dyke and now all of it has been removed. They (Natuurmonumenten) are in charge of transforming that area into a place for outdoor recreation and also connecting the Gement to the other nature areas around Den Bosch.

I used this area for the Land Art project we were doing with Margriet. After seeing this very direct border between city and nature/farmland i came up with the idea of making people, who come through that area, aware of this contrast. By building a 2-3 meters high observation post with a focused view on the skyline of the city and on the other side the nature area. This post would be build a little bit inside the nature area and the materials would be grass, wooden planks and sand. The windows are there to narrow the viewing frame and to make people focus on what is seen inside that frame.

It is still only but a concept...
(click thumbnails to see larger image)

First concept:

Second concept:

Some other photos that i took in which i like the compositions and shapes: