zaterdag, september 26, 2009

BK3 Period 4 - End of Year recap

Well, the last presentation with all the teachers kinda clarified how my 3rd year at AKV/St. Joost progressed.

-tried to paint, i was satisfied with my last painting, but compared to drawing it requires a whole different approach... it is just not working for me.

-made a first step in animation, the animation was about the only main artwork i showed at the presentation at the end of period 4, the other was a minor work and the Land Art project... the animation shows how i have been working the 3rd year: by not sticking to my initial idea/concept for a work, i have been distracted with many influences and put them all, alongside the initial idea, in 1 work. Making the image far too complex and not clear for the viewer to understand at all.

-i did acquire experience outside the academy by working as a volunteer at art initiative W139 in amsterdam and reading books (magical-realism and also a book containing dialogs between an artist/gamer/bioloog(biologist?) and an art philosopher who discuss all sorts of topics regarding art, media, games and philosophy)

In the next post, BK4 Period 1, i will elaborate how i take on year 4.

Animation at end of period 4, was fun to make but in the end just a hodge podge of ideas and fascinations:

2 opmerkingen:

Laura zei

SMT fan, huh? (:

Dennis zei

Yep, Shin Megami Tensei is one of my inspirations :D